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Classic Problem Solving Tools

Toolkit is a free collection of 100+ problem-solving tools.

We researched the universe of problem-solving tools and selected the best ones from books and the internet.

Tools designed for you; the problem solver.


We wrote and organized our tools specifically for people who are actively solving a problem.

We used a 'cookbook' style of writing (ex. Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, etc.) to keep your focus on solving your problem rather than getting bogged down with the historical, educational, or group aspects associated with each tool.

We've listed our 'Sources'.

External Links

On-the-other-hand, if you'd like to learn more about our tools we've included our 'Sources' at the bottom of each page.

We've also gathered together all of our 'Sources' and included them in the Publications section of our Links section. We designed our Links section so you can do further research on topics that interest you.

Solvers icon


All-In-One Problem Solving Methods

Our Solvers can help you analyze your problem and create solutions.

These 3 all-in-one methods are designed to guide you through the problem-solving process in short easy steps.

One Step at a Time


We think the best way to solve your problem is to use step-by-step processes, known as structured analytic methodologies. This may sound complicated but the concept is quite simple - use step-by-step methods to build knowledge that you can use to solve your problem.

We designed our Solvers to break your problem-solving down into short easy steps. Each step is a building block you use to create your problem-solving structure. You just keep building your knowledge one-step-at-a-time.

Let Our Solvers Guide You

We Guide You

Our Solvers will effectively guide you through the entire problem-solving process. We will help you thoroughly examine your data and dive deep into your own personal thoughts surrounding your unique situation.

This can be an inspiring journey, where you not only solve your problem but you also learn a lot about yourself.

Solvers Model

Our Solvers are all-in-one integrated methods that combine problem solving tools with cognitive science.

The MySolver™ program takes it a step further by leveraging this approach with advanced cloud computing. We think our Solver methods give you the best opportunity to find your solutions.

Solvers Model Diagram

PRINTABLE:  Word version of Solvers Model.docx (Click link to download Word version).

PRINTABLE:  Excel version of Solvers Model.xlsx (Click link to download Excel version).

PRINTABLE:  PDF version of Solvers Model.pdf (Click link to download PDF version).