Obstacle - Tree Diagram
Create a tree diagram of your obstacles.
An Obstacle - Tree Diagram can help identify and organize obstacles. Understanding your obstacles and their inter-relationships may help you determine ways to remove them.
To create an Obstacle – Tree Diagram:
Step 1: State your problem.
Step 2: Identify and list the major obstacles you need to overcome to achieve your goal.
Step 3: Order your obstacles according to degree of complexity (from simpler to more difficult).
Step 4: Draw a vertical line down the middle of a sheet of paper. This line represents the tree’s trunk. Write your challenge on this trunk.
Step 5: Draw diagonal lines to represent the major branches. Write your major obstacles on the main branches.
Step 6: Write the secondary obstacles as sub-branches to the primary obstacle. Keep creating sub-branches until all obstacles are accounted for in the diagram.
Step 7: Analyze the branching affect and their interrelationships. Look for clues on how you can remove a whole branch (or obstacle).