Instructions - Part 4
Name Your Problem
The first task you need to do in the MySolver™ database program is to 'name' your problem.
Pick a Name for your Problem
Step 1: Think of a short descriptive name for your problem. This name will be used throughout the computer system.
Step 2: Once you've decided on a name for your problem, login to MySolver™. Go to the Homepage Main Menu and click of the 'Problems' panel.
Helpful Hint:
The 'panels' may be displayed in a different pattern depending on your monitor size and browser zoom settings.
Enter your Problem Name
Step 3: Enter your new Problem Name in to the MySolver™ database.
Step 4: Save New.
Jump to ... Main Menu
Step 5: To navigate inside MySolver™, use the 'Jump to ..' main menu located in the upper left-hand corner of each page inside the database. You can 'jump to' anywhere else in the database from this menu.
Go to the next step, click Write Your Problem Statement.
Click to return to Instructions menu.