Your Information Source for Problem Solving Methods
Discover Your Solutions is a one-of-a-kind self-help web site dedicated to providing you with the best tools, techniques, and methods to solve your problems.
We've combined well-established problem-solving tools, modern cognitive science, and advanced technology to help you discover your solutions.
Our web site contains +100 tools, techniques, and methods that can help you solve your problems. They range from very simple tools to sophisticated computer programs.
We encourage you to explore our web site and find the best ways to solve your problems.
Our three strategies: Tools, Solvers, & Links

Our Toolkit is a free collection of +100 problem-solving tools. We researched the universe of problem-solving tools and selected the best ones (so you don't have to).
Our Toolkit is divided into 3 sections:
You may already be familiar with some of these tools. For the most part, these are the 'classic' problem-solving tools you'll find in books and on the internet.

We re-wrote and organized these tools specifically for people who are actively working on a problem.
Most of these tools are written in a 'cookbook' style (i.e. Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, etc.), so you keep building upon the knowledge that you need to solve your problem.
We've listed our tools in the order in which they appear in the conventional problem-solving process.

Our Solvers are all-in-one methods that you can use to analyze your problems and create solutions.
We have 3 Solvers:
We believe that using a structured approach is the best way to solve your problems.

Our Solvers help you divide your data and your thoughts into their component parts. We've found that separating your thinking makes it easier to solve problems.
Each one of our Solvers uses special step-by-step processes, known as, structured analytic methodologies. These processes are designed to continually improve your thinking.
We walk you through the problem-solving process one step at a time. You just follow the step-by-step instructions. We'll help you build your knowledge until you find your eureka moment.
No experience or prior training is required.

Our Links section is a reference library of hyperlinks to external problem-solving resources.
We've divided our Links into 3 sections:
We've included the Links section for users who want to do their own research.

We've assembled many helpful links to other web sites. These links are for people who want to learn more about problem-solving.
Most of our 'sources' are listed on our Publications web page. These books and articles are listed in alphabetical order.
We also have included links to People who's insights may help you.
More Detailed Information
For more detailed information about the concepts, theories, and models that Discover Your Solutions is based on, see Detailed Information.