Explore excursion worlds for new ideas.
General Guidelines for Excursions:
- Attempt to get as much distance from the problem as possible.
- Give some rationale for why an excursion might be helpful.
- Make the excursion about 5-10 minutes long.
Excursion Worlds - The following are just a few of the worlds that you can be a part of:
Acoustics | Dinner Parties | Law | Racing |
Agriculture | Dwellings | Machines | Religion |
Animals | Economics | Magic | Rocks |
Archaeology | Education | Mathematics | Romance |
Architecture | Electricity | Media | Science Fantasy |
Art | Espionage | Medicine | Science Fiction |
Astronomy | Exploration | Metalwork | Sculpture |
Biology | Famous People | Minerals | Shopping |
Bridges | Farming | Models | Smells |
Cartoons | Fashion | Money | Space Travel |
Celebrations | Films | Movies | Sports |
Chemistry | Finance | Music | Textiles |
Clothes | Folk Lore | Myths | Theatre |
Comedy | Games | Noise | Transportation |
Computers | Gardening | Nursing | Tribal Customs |
Cooking | Geology | Oceans | Vacations |
Cosmetics | Health | Parenting | War |
Crafts | History | Plants | Weather |
Crime | Journalism | Physics | Woodworking |
Decoration | Kitchen Implements | Psychology |

MyCoTed web site at www.mycoted.com.