Generate Metaphors.
Metaphors to create new ideas:
Garden Model: How is the problem or solution like a garden? Vegetative, growing, expansive, fruitful, weedy, nurturing, bug infested, etc.
Machine Model: How is the problem like a machine? Parts working together, parts worn or broken, energy input or driving force, work output?
Symphony Model: How like a symphony? Conductor? Harmony? Soloists? Percussion? What is the music they are playing? What orchestrates the interaction of the parts?
Human Body Model: How like a body? What makes it move? What are the hands, feet, head, mouth, eyes, ears, and nose?
Vehicle Model: Ship, plane, boat, car, train, blimp, bike, skateboard? What powers it? Who are the passengers? Where is it going? What are its wheels?
Other metaphors useful for modeling are: Movie-making, an island, sculpting, the ocean, a computer.

Virtual Salt web site at www.virtualsalt.com.