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Ensure that your thinking serves your values.


Types of values:

  • Individual values:  self-interest, ego, status, self-importance, achievement, survival, pleasure, self-indulgence, etc.
  • Group values:  being accepted by the group, acting as a member of the group, accepting the values of the group, not letting the group down, etc.
  • Moral values:  ethics, religious values, social custom, general observance of the law, upbringing values, general values of a particular culture (often regarded as absolute but varying much from culture to culture).
  • Human values:  a general concern for the whole earth and mankind upon it, human rights, ecology, a concern for all living things, the basic human values that transcend cultures.

Analyze your values:

  • Label your values that determine action as 'high visibility' values.
  • Do any of your values conflict with each other?
  • What are the important values perceived by other people involved in the situation?
  • Is there a conflict of values between the people involved in the situation?
  • Are anyone’s values perceived as being violated? If so, to what degree?

Value-laden words:

Examine the language you are using for value-laden words. Replace any value-laden words in your Problem Statement with words that don’t carry an emotional or judgmental connotation. Also, review the role of value-laden words in your Emotional Thinking and Negative Thinking.

List your values involved in this situation: