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Preliminary list of standard 'Why' questions.

  • Why are you doing this?
  • Why is it necessary to solve this problem?
  • Why do you want to solve it?
  • Why don’t you want to solve it?
  • Why do you have to solve it and not someone else?
  • Why is this situation a problem?
  • Why do you view it as a problem and not an opportunity?
  • Why doesn’t it go away?
  • Why would someone else want to solve it?
  • Why might someone else not want to deal with this situation?
  • Why is it easy to solve?
  • Why is it hard to solve?
  • Why hasn’t it been dealt with? What’s holding you back?
  • Why else instead of the known reasons for solving this problem?
  • Why could you eliminate the reasons this situation is a problem?
  • Why would you want to combine things?
  • Why would you want to change, adapt, or improve things?
  • Why can the reasons be overstated or understated?
  • Why can the reasons be rearranged?
  • Why would you want to move in an opposite direction?
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